ABC Family
January 23, 2011
TV-Movie, Comedy
Appropriately enough for a movie in which embarrassment is one of the themes, I have an embarrassing reason for owning this: I loved the original bigscreen movie and bought the DVD for this (with its similar cover) in a hurry. This isn't as bad as you'd expect, but neither does it have the wit or insight of the 2004 movie. At times, it's hard to tell if cliches are being sent up or checked off. There are dropped threads-- Coco Chanel the dog, the Wood Shop project-- and then things being tossed in, like the heroine Jo developing an out of the blue crush on the guy she'd dismissed (in narration) as stupid and sexist. The first half hour in particular, there honestly is a (very innocent) lesbian subtext between Jo and her new friend Abby, but, while both girls get boyfriends, their friendship does stay mostly at the center of the film, and this story is sweet at times, so I don't want to be too hard on it. I'm not that much of a mean girl.
My review of Mean Girls is here: Note that no one from the original except Tim Meadows as the principal seems to have been associated with this seven-years-later cashgrab.
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