April 6, 1993
Mike Gandolfi wrote this hilarious yet poignant episode. It starts with another poker game in the kitchen, this time with two new players: David, and Chuck's friend Roger (Tim Curry in his first of two cameos). Nancy comes in and Roger flirts outrageously with her, which she enjoys. Chuck drops hints when Nancy's out of the room that she's a lesbian, but Dan doesn't want to discuss it in front of "the kid," till David announces it himself. Nonetheless, Nancy does go out with Roger, whom Roseanne had hoped to fix up with her sister. Jackie is understandably nervous about dating again, although she does show up in that red zippered dress. In another of my all-time favorite lines, she says, "Now I'm losing men to lesbians!' Nancy explains her bisexuality as her being "a people person."
Meanwhile, Prom Night is coming up and Roseanne makes Darlene prom-ise to go. But Darlene has an ulterior motive, booking a motel room so she and David can lose their virginities together. He's so nervous that he's impotent. She's surprisingly sympathetic (and not just for her), but it doesn't help. In the tag, they're back in the motel room, now darkened, and we hear them declare them love. She asks if they're going to have sex now and, after a pause, he says, "I think I just did."
Doug Fieger makes his third and last appearance as Nick. Danielle Harris is listed on IMDB, but I didn't notice Molly, although Mara Hobel has a couple scenes as Charlotte.
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