Channel Four
21 March 1992
Improv Game Show
First off, I have to say that I know that there are many, many WLIIA fans who adore Colin, especially with Ryan, to the point that some of them ship them. And I just don't get it. I don't hate Colin but I don't think he really came into his own until '93, and at that, they were overusing him. Little did I know that what I was already starting to call "Colinization" would only get more extreme, to the point that by the Drew Carey days, this had become The Ryan & Colin Show.
The other thing going on here is, we've gone from the previous year, where Josie and Sandi were significant presences even in New York, and in London we even had an episode where there were three women, to a half-series where the only female contestant in sight will be the less than inspiring Jane Brucker (more about her later). And it's not that I necessarily mind an all male line-up of course, since there have been some good episodes without women, Paul Merton's most recent episode for instance. But when you've got back-to-back games (Helping Hands and Film Dubbing) where men can't play women in an amusing or intelligent manner (Tony's shipboard woman in his Film Dubbing with Paul had a lot more flair), then I'm going to have to take this down from a C+ to a C, even if there is a nifty argument about "burger bars" between Greg and Clive. Having Ron West around doesn't help, although he's never been the downer that Archie Hahn is.
Note that Ryan chooses George Bush as the World's Worst person to be President, as did Griff four years ago.
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