October 17, 1966
This starts out as a dark comedy, where it seems like the other castaways are going to kill Mr. Howell because he's written them into his will, and then turns a sentimental comedy. This episode couldn't have aired in the first season and arguably not in the second, because it just wouldn't be plausible that the castaways felt so close to him, like family. OK, I don't quite believe that Mary Ann or Ginger ever thought of him like a father, but I'll buy that they might believe that at his funeral. There's also a nice moment where, earlier in the episode, Mrs. Howell exclaims, "Oh, I love that man!" This, by the way, has my favorite set of Mrs. H's costumes, one great outfit after another, in vibrant colors (except for the funereal black of course).
Sidney A. Mandel had written one earlier episode, but this time he teams up for the first of two times with Roy Kammerman. This is Charles Norton's first of two GI directorial turns.
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