Sunday, July 2, 2017

Who's the Boss?: Tony and the Honeymooners

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Who's the Boss?: Tony and the Honeymooners
February 29, 1992

Gene Braunstein wrote this good episode with a flawed resolution.  Sam and Hank return from their one-week honeymoon (we don't know where) and want to stay overnight until they can move into married student housing, since they've been kicked out of the dorms for being married.  Tony and Angela lose their togetherness time (including watching their favorite movie The Way We Were), especially as Tony and Hank start to bond.  Sam resents Hank taking Tony to see a potential apartment, which Tony rejected.  When she speaks of her frustrations, Angela goes off on her in a very Angela way.  And we get our first glimpses of Hank's puppet Little Tony.

The resolution, after the couples, including Joe and Fran, have made up is Tony, without discussing it with anyone, giving Mona's apartment to the newlyweds.  This is stupid and short-sighted and I can't believe that someone as self-centered as Mona would end up just going along with it after the initial surprise wears off.  When Tony initially suggested Mona move in, no one was living above the garage, but she's been there for seven years now.  Of course, by the end of this season, there would be even bigger shake-ups in the living arrangements.

Gary Lieberthal, who was a Messenger on the show before, is Rey here.

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