Sunday, March 26, 2017

Who's the Boss?: It's Somebody's Birthday

Image result for Who's the Boss?: van
The van on the Pilot
Who's the Boss?: It's Somebody's Birthday
May 16, 1989

Alan Mandel wrote this season-closer where Tony's birthday, and even more so the idea of buying a new car and selling his van, makes Tony take stock of his life. Angela is very understanding and supportive here, but she also encourages him to grow, while still honoring the past.  Julie Payne, who's Skye here, was Dr. Sharon Rudell on The Bob Newhart Show.  Doug Shaffer, the car salesman, is played by the instantly recognizable Stuart Pankin, who was Frank on The Brady Girls Get Married, among many other roles.

Who's the Boss? in Season Five ranges from C to B+, averaging to a high B-.  Tony's entry into college has some impact on the show but is mostly relegated to the background.  Jonathan awkwardly enters his teens, but there's not yet the feeling that Pintauro is struggling to play straight.  (And to be fair, he wasn't out to himself till I think college.)  Sam's character continues to be a shallow '80s teen, no longer with Jesse to call her on it.  Mona continues to get meaner and sluttier.  Tony and Angela have some nice moments, but their chemistry is also pushed to the background much of the time.  The show is not in a rut and it hasn't jumped the shark, but this is arguably the least memorable season.  However, Season Six would shake things up in unexpected ways....

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