Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Who's the Boss?: The All-Nighter

Image result for Who's the Boss?: The All-NighterWho's the Boss?: The All-Nighter
May 8, 1990

Clay Graham wrote this story which is arguably the most controversial and/or pivotal one in the series.  Angela has new clients from the recording industry, Jon Petrie (John Sanderford, who played Eric on Bosom Buddies) and Peter Gerber (Stan Ivar, who'd be back in the role in the Season Seven opener).  Meanwhile, Tony and his study group are trying to cram for an upcoming test.  Angela suggests they rent a motel room in order to study in peace.  Three of the group bail but Tony stays behind with Kathleen Sawyer (Kate Vernon), an opinionated but attractive blonde.  Tony "gets lucky," as perceptive Mona guesses the next morning, but he feels like he "betrayed Angela."  The implication is that he hasn't had sex with anyone since the makeout and conversation in Jamaica.  But he doesn't know if this is a one-night stand or something more.  Angela, on the edge of tears, suggests that they see other people, as part of the "journey" of their relationship.  The episode and the season end with Tony wanting to say something to Angela as she goes out the door to have coffee with Peter.

Debbie (Tara Karsian) and Kyle (Dan Stockenberg) had appeared in the episode about Sam's married grad student crush, but they were nameless then.  The Motel Manager is played by Dick Miller, who of course has a ton of credits, especially film, but was last seen in my TV collection as a Guard on Soap.

Season Six has some great moments, particularly with T & A.  Even this episode is about their relationship.  However, this doesn't mean that all the episodes are great.  The range is C to B+ and the average is B-.  Season Seven would deal with the fall-out of this episode, with mixed results, but, yes, it would remain an interesting journey.

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