Sunday, June 12, 2016

Three's Company: Chrissy's Night Out

Three's Company: Chrissy's Night Out
November 15, 1977

While this is not quite a B+ episode, I do feel like it's one where the cast works very well together, every character clearly defined, including their relationships.  Jack & Janet worry about Chrissy like they're her parents, as the script makes clear, and when Jack makes a joke when Chrissy is upset, he's as disappointed in himself as Janet is in him.  The Ropers blend in well, Helen's "He flashed for Stanley" and Stanley's mincing imitation of a homosexual both funny and significant to the plot.  When the four of them gather around to hear a private conversation between Chrissy and Detective Lannigan (James Cromwell, who had recently played BJ's friend Leo Bardonaro on M*A*S*H), there's really a sense of the solid ensemble.  And it's understandably one of Somers's favorites, since Chrissy is vulnerable at first but tough at the end, while still staying completely in character.

I don't have any other shows that Phil Hahn wrote, but co-writer Stuart Gillard also did a Mork & Mindy.  The writing here could've been a touch better-- it makes no sense for the detective to think Chrissy is easy because she lives with a guy, not when he thinks Jack is gay-- but mostly this episode works and I wish the team had done more.

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