9, 16, 23, and 30 October 1983
Alexander Baron adapted the Charlotte Brontë novel (reviewed at http://rereadingeverybookiown.blogspot.com/2012/01/jane-eyre.html) and this originally aired in 11 parts of roughly half an hour each. When I encountered it on cable in the late '80s, it had been edited down, so yesterday I watched "Part One" in less than an hour. Nonetheless, I'm using the original airdates and titles for this group of episodes.
What remains is a respectful, reasonably faithful, but streamlined adaptation. For instance, I'm guessing that the character of Bessie the maid was developed more, while here she gets one scene and one mention. Zelah Clarke as Jane Eyre and definitely Timothy Dalton as Edward Fairfax Rochester are too good-looking for their roles but they seem to do well by the characters so far. Special shout-out to Siân Pattenden as ten-year-old Jane, capturing the different aspects of the complex little girl.
Other members of the cast who would return:
- Christopher Burgess as Carter
- Judy Cornwell as Mrs. Reed
- Carol Gillies as Grace Poole
- Jean Harvey as Mrs. Fairfax
- James Marcus as John
- Carolle Rousseau as Sophie
- Blanche Youinou as Adele
Julian Amyes directed.
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