Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Welcome Back, Kotter: And Baby Makes Four, Part 1

Welcome Back, Kotter: And Baby Makes Four, Part 1
September 15, 1977

It's hard to separate out my original feelings from the ones I felt watching this Eric Cohen episode again, almost forty years later.  I remember, not vividly but vaguely, Woodman's announcement to "the captain" and Kotter's dawning realization, followed by panic.  I think I even sort of remember Arnold's happy announcement that he had reached puberty.  Palillo was 28 at this point, so that adds to the humor.  And the boys have been retconned back into the 11th grade, with Vinnie officially left back in the 10th.  (No more Class of '78?)  And meanwhile, Julie is still focusing on boys' names for the baby.  I don't think I got Epstein's Let It Be reference back then, although it stands out clearly now.  It's going to be an interesting season, and this is the 600th program I've reviewed from the '70s.

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