November 23, 1991
Mark Egan and Mark Solomon, who co-wrote the final Newhart episode, are joined by Michael Mahler, who would write some other reunion shows. This is better than that episode, although it lacks a strong finish. (Bob sees Larry and his brothers Darryl [William Sanderson, Tony Papenfuss, and John Voldstad] as elevator repairmen.) I wish some of the original writers had signed on, or maybe that the cast had written their own dialogue, since they seem eager to go back to their old characters, and the DVD commentaries on the episodes are much funnier than this. Or maybe it's that Dick Martin directed and he belonged to the weaker later seasons of the original series. Or maybe it's that this is just a clip show, and there's only so much you can do with that. I wish there were more clever moments, like where Howard flashes back to I Dream of Jeannie, maybe with Bob wondering why his old college buddy the Peeper (Tom Poston) had showed up in his dream as his handyman in Vermont. Still, it is nice to see everyone reunited and this is on a par with the final episode of BNS.
Fiedler and Libertini only appear in the flashbacks. Note that Newhart explains in his introduction to the episode why it's the 19th rather than the 20th anniversary, which becomes a running joke throughout the hour, never mind that this contradicts information throughout the original run, like how long Bob was in practice before we met him.
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