Channel Four
7 February 1992
Improv Game Show
At some point, I lost a videocassette with six WLIIA episodes (as well as some other stuff) on it. I did, however, keep the tapes that had "highlights" of the first four seasons, edited down episodes with my favorite games. With the previous episode, that meant the entire thing. With this one, I think two of the games from the Comedy Central airing were omitted. This is not to say that the complete episode might not have averaged out to B-, but I have to judge by what's in front of me.
And one thing that is in front of me is significant Paul/Tony. Not only does Paul tease Tony as much as he recently teased Josie, but he twice expresses a wish to have sex with Tony, who is of course game for it. Also, everyone but the almost always polite Jim makes fun of Clive's baldness, to the audience's delight. Oh, and Paul manages to insult the departed John Sessions.
This line-up, with some crossing of the pairs (because there's always Sweeney & Steen of course), would be repeated the following year, I believe the first repeated line-up.
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