March 10, 1981
This Staretski & Rips story is one of the better ones for Cindy. She's dating a high-fashion photographer, Doug Cooper (John McCook, who'd return the next year as Alan), who criticizes her appearance. She's happy with herself and tells him to buzz off. (The audience is audibly on her side.) Then when she complains to sympathetic Regal Beagle waitress Kelly (Frances Lee McCain, who had played Janet on The Bob Newhart Show), Kelly confides that she's pregnant. I like that Cindy sympathizes with Kelly and helps her find maternity clothes.
Of course, this leads to the farcical situation of Jack and Janet thinking Cindy's pregnant. There are misunderstandings that spin off of that, with Mr. Furley (who receives two black eyes) first thinking that Jack is dating Doug, and then later that Larry is proposing to Jack. Cindy is very surprised when Jack proposes to her, but Janet talks her into it. Cindy has a great line when Jack, who meets Kelly, tries to rescind his proposal and says, "You're not already pregnant": "Talk about lazy!"
I was wrong before about Cindy only being mentioned in one phone tag. Actually, Janet tries to explain to Chrissy what's been happening this episode. It's the last appearance of Somers on the show, with the exception of the Lucille-Ball-hosted tribute.
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