Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Brady Bunch: Out of This World

The Brady Bunch: Out of This World
January 18, 1974

Al Schwartz and Larry Rhine contributed this story about Greg's prank on his brothers getting out of hand.  It's notable for several reasons, besides the well-known one about the Kaplutians being played by the kids' stand-ins.  It features one of Bobby's dreams, with a UFO that looks about as convincing as the stage sets that the Bradys build in their backyard.  It has Williams's scraped up face (from a car accident) incorporated into the script, with Peter insulting him.  And it has some subtler Greg/Marcia flirting than in the previous episode, with him giving her back a caress when they're at his attic window.

Mario Machado, who's appearing as himself, would be a Reporter in Rescue from Gilligan's Island.


  1. My father was friends, and we attended church in the 70s, with Frank and Sadie Delfino, who played Herlo and Shim, the two "Kaplutians" in this ep. Sadly, we left before 1974, when they made this appearance on my favorite show of all time. (Still! I'm 52...) I can't imagine how insane I would have been going to church each week with two of the "stars" of the Brady Bunch. I probably would have driven them crazy...but they were very nice people...

    1. Did you know at the time that they were stand-ins on "Brady Bunch"?

    2. I did not. It's possible that we left that church BEFORE Sept. 1969, when the BB debuted. I have pictures of me at that church (in Montebello, CA, btw...) unti I'm about 3 or 4...but now that I think about it, I think we were already gone.

      I did come across them many years later at the Brea Mall in SoCal. I saw what I thought were two children walking along, holding hands. As I came closer, I realized it was two older little people. They were well into their 70s at that point - they remembered my father and mother....and me, sort of...

    3. Did you know who they were by then?
