February 17, 1987
Ellen Guylas wrote this story where Angela thinks that Geoffrey is going to propose but he, having counted the 116 days of their relationship, wants them to get a timeshare together. When he realizes what she expected, he eagerly proposes marriage. Mona, who says she's been trying to hide her contempt, is not happy about this.
Tony's attitude is harder to read. It's clear he doesn't want Angela to marry Geoffrey, but he can pretend, even to himself, that it's just that he doesn't think Geoffrey is right for Angela and she doesn't love Geoffrey. He may on some level see himself as a concerned platonic friend. But there's a subtext that he's in love with Angela himself.
As for Angela, I've never been able to fully read her attitude towards Geoffrey. She often seems tense around him, not in a sexual tension sense, but as if she can't relax around him. She likes him and finds him special, and she perhaps has convinced herself she should marry someone she seemingly has a lot in common with. But she clearly doesn't love him. As for her feelings towards Tony, I think on some level she's beginning to suspect she's in love with him, but not that he is with her. (That will take much longer.)
Jonathan remains neutral about Geoffrey and he understandably sees Tony as the one to do father-son-like activities with. I think he would've been OK with the marriage but only if Tony didn't go away, as he likely would've. In the end, with help from Tony, who's nudged by Mona, Angela gently rejects Geoffrey and they agree their relationship is over. The path might seem clearer for Tony and Angela now, but of course their path never runs smooth.
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