December 9, 1986
Alan Mandel's first of five WtB stories has Sam deciding not to try out for the girls' basketball team when her boyfriend Todd (Katisse Buckingham again, credited on the episode itself although not IMDB) fails to make the boys' team. The last time we saw Todd he was trying to go further physically with Sam than she was comfortable with, and I'm surprised that she's now his girlfriend and that Tony is seemingly OK with this. Todd doesn't come off much better in this episode at first, since she worries he'll feel threatened by her sports prowess, and then he mocks girls' basketball. She challenges him to one-on-one and wins. At first, he seems to have lost interest in her, but then he redeems himself by agreeing to come to her game.

I like the mini-golf set and I like Sam eventually standing up for herself, as well as the way the rivalry between Tony and Angela is handled in this episode. I'm just not crazy about Sam dating Todd. (Not that Chad McCann is a winner, but he's less creepy.)
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